Coding Video Games with Scratch | Olmsted

STEM Video Game Enrichment for the 21st Century learner. Each Youth Enrichment League video game class follows these basic components: Teach It!…Students learn different video game design techniques (movement blocks, control blocks, basic animation, adding scores, etc.). Code It!… Students use Scratch* to code their own video games: i.e. maze runner, asteroid smash and more. Explore It!…Students can write their own video game code, experiment with it and test new options. We foster a collaborative environment where students learn from each other's creativity. Sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with Youth Enrichment League. *Scratch® is not affiliated with {YEL!} nor does it endorse this program. (For students in 2nd - 5th grade). Instructor: Youth Enrichment League


  • DATES:  Tuesdays, March 26 - April 30, 2024 (6 Sessions)
  • TIME:  3:45 PM - 4:45 PM (Grades 2-5)
  • LOCATION:  Olmsted Elementary - Room TBD (7110 Prarie Ave)
  • DEADLINE TO REGISTER:  March 19, 2024
  • FEE:  $86.00 / participant ($91.00 after November 14)

Register at least one week in advance of a camp start date and receive a $5.00 discount off your registration.  If you register online, the camp price listed will automatically reflect the $5.00 discount, if applicable.  The price above already reflects the $5.00 discount.  Mailed registrations must be postmarked at least one week prior to camp start date.

Registration and Refund Policy

This camp is not open for registration (either is pending or already took place)